the book real sex addresses a great deal of the practical and theological rational behind chastisty. even so, i have to admit it is a book i had a hard time reading outside the privacy of my room. despite all of my mom’s openness and the wonderful group of friends i have who are willing to talk about sex, it was not a book title that i wanted to explain at a coffee shop. lauren addresses the things that other authors have not even acknowledged. she talks about topics like casual sex, lies the media and our culture have told us about sex, and even lies that the church has told us about sex.
the thing i found most intriguing, however, was lauren’s discussion on “communal sex.” she suggests that sex is something we have to address as a community. to some (especially those that say what happens behind closed doors should remain private) this may sound like crazy talk. but, when you actually take some time to think about it, it makes a lot of sense. with all the hype and focus that we’ve had about the importance of community, shouldn’t this include being able to talk about sex?
hear me out. i’m not saying that a husband should go golfing with his buddies and give them a detailed rendition of the previous night’s activities. nor should a wife reveal way too intimate details about her marriage bed. nobody wants that (i hope). but in an appropriate and supportive environment, a community should be able to talk about sex. whether one is married, dating, single, a widower, and even a teenager, we should all be able (and willing) to appropriately talk about it on some level. we should also be able to talk about our struggles in that department. think about it, if we felt freer to talk about sex and sexual sin, it could radically change our communities and the failings of our communities.
i used to have a boyfriend who was constantly down on himself about his sexual sin (it didn’t include me, but i’ll leave room for the imagination). i told him that all of our sin was the same, and we all struggle with different sins. granted, it was a little awkward for me, but at least i knew exactly how to pray for him, and understood what he struggled with. i feel like we should all be honest with our failings (there are of course appropriate environment s for such) so i just don’t understand why this all has to be so taboo.
in his album, the house show, derek webb talks about sin and how we’ve turned it into a “cultural hiding game” instead of what it really is. sin. he says ,”take joy in the fact that your sin is real and so is your savior”. he also said that “the best thing that could ever happen to you is if your sin was broadcasted on the 5 o’clock news”. webb says a lot of great things, and i apologize for butchering it, but he’s right. until we stop pretending, stop “hiding” from what we really are, we will never be able to conquer these issues as a community. so, when lauren talks about “communal sex”, she’s saying that sex should dealt with as a community. whether it be failings, anxieties, or perhaps a PG response, it shouldn’t be ignored.